Every fall, the grade 5 and 6 students have a student election. Students may choose to run for one of the following minister positions:
Learning Commons Minister:
- assists with re-shelving books
- helps Mrs. Willis in the library
- helps with the Book Fair
- researches new and exciting books for the library
- helps think of ideas for the Learning Commons
- helps with organizing materials in the Learning Commons
- helps Mrs. Willis supervise Learning Commons during lunch recess
Sports Minister:
- assists with intramural sports program
- assists with Track and Field Day
- maintains sports equipment rooms
- attends sport committee meetings
- gets involved in any sport activities (including intramurals)
Climate Minister:
- assists with special holiday activities
- distributes programs during concert activities
- helps with climate activity set-up
Fine Arts Minister:
- attends climate and fine arts meetings
- assists with theatre productions
- maintains the music room
Environment Minister:
- distributes paper recycling bins to each classroom
- organizes students to collect paper recycling and beverage containers every week
- makes a schedule for classes to clean-up garbage on our school playground
- helps promote environmental activities for staff and students